2Performant MerchantPro attribution set-up
If you are using MerchantPro as an e-commerce platform, then you’ll have a dedicated MerchantPro App that will install all the attributions scripts necessary for the best 2Performant attribution.
NOTE: With the MerchantPro App for 2Performant can only implement Per Sale – Percent commissioning model, the commissioning model most commonly used. If you want to work using another commissioning model through 2Performant, you’ll need a custom MerchantPro integration and you’ll have to talk with your MerchantPro representative / MerchantPro support for that.
Where to find MerchantPro 2Performant app
You’ll find the 2Performant integration app in the MerchantPro Apps section of your MerchantPro account. The MerchantPro App for 2Performant integration is free in MerchantPro.
How to set up MerchantPro 2Performant app
Printscreen from MerchantPro
1. Identificator campanie (campaign unique code)
You can find the “Identificator campanie” in your 2Performant account, in the Tracking Code / iframe tracking section. You’ll find it as campaign_unique=YOUR_CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_CODE_FROM_2PERFORMANT
Just copy the code after campaign_unique= and paste it into “Identificator campanie” from your MerchantPro 2Performant app.
Printscreen from 2Performant
2. Cod confirmare (confirm)
You can find the “Cod Confirmare” in your 2Performant account, in the Tracking Code / iframe tracking section. You’ll find it confirm=YOUR_CONFIRM_CODE_FROM_2PERFORMANT
Just copy the code after confirm= and paste it into “Cod Confirmare” from your MerchantPro 2Performant app.
Printscreen from 2Performant
4. Cod de generare click Big Bear (Clicks JavaScript)
In “Cod de generare click Big Bear” section you’ll have to paste the Clicks JavaScript script you get in your Big Bear attribution codes page*: https://network.2performant.com/advertiser/attribution/big_bear_attribution
Clicks JavaScript:
<script defer src='https://attr-2p.com/YOUR_BIG_BEAR_CODE/clc/1.js'></script>
*Before getting access to the Big Bear documentation page, you’ll have to get through a short eligibility process that verifies your URL as being “https”.
Printscreen from 2Performant
5. Cod de vanzare/comision Big Bear (Sales JavaScript)
In “Cod de vanzare/comision Big Bear” section you’ll have to paste the Sales JavaScript script you get in your Big Bear attribution codes page*: https://network.2performant.com/advertiser/attribution/big_bear_attribution
Sale JavaScript:
<script defer src='https://attr-2p.com/YOUR_BIG_BEAR_CODE/sls/1.js'></script>
*Before getting access to the Big Bear documentation page, you’ll have to get through a short eligibility process that verifies your URL as being “https”.
Printscreen from 2Performant
Final steps
Congrats! You’ve added all the necessary codes in order to set up the MerchantaPro 2Performant app.
After you’ve imputed all the codes, you’ll need to click “Instaleaza aplicatia”
After that, you’ll need to run some tests, to make sure everything is in order. The 2Performant interface will guide you in this regard.
Bellow you’ll find a print screen of how everything should look like in MerchantaPro 2Performant app after you’ve added your own codes.
NOTE: Do not use the codes in the print screen. Use the codes from your 2Performant account and/or the ones you’ve received from your 2Performant representative. The codes in the print screen are from a dummy account.