Use the affiliate program statistics from 2Perfomant.
- the quality of traffic sent by affiliates;
- affiliates who generate most conversions;
- the promoting tools that have high conversion rates.
If you go to the Statistics section from your advertiser account, you will be automatically directed to the page where it displays the Conversion Rate for the previous month. On any stats page, you can select a period of time up to 3 months to view all aggregated affiliate program statistics. You can set the period of time by selecting the day, month and start year (Start Date) and the day, month and end year (End Date). You can also choose to view statistics for a single affiliate and see its aggregated data by day, week or month.
- Conversion Rate → it’s calculated between the number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks. You can also see the values of sales and related commissions;
- Commissions amount → it shows the total amount of commissions generated by your affiliates; they are listed by Approved, Pending and Rejected;
- Clicks → the total number of clicks and their details (IP, Referer, Date, Tool).
- Sales Amount → the value of sales generated by your affiliates;
- Cost per Sale → it’s calculated between the value of commissions divided by the total number of generated sales.
- Estimated Cost per Click → it’s calculated between the value of commissions and the total number of clicks.
- Top Affiliates/Conversions → all affiliates based on their generated conversions. They are displayed in a descending order in relation to the total number of conversions for a specific period of time.
- Top Affiliates/Clicks → all affiliates based on their generated traffic. They are displayed in a descending order in relation to the total number of sent clicks.
High traffic doesn’t bring along many conversions, as well. It is possible that the affiliates that appear in Top Affiliates/Commissions might not be listed in Top Affiliates/Click, also. Therefore, we recommend you to analyze affiliates that send large traffic but do not generate any conversions. In this way, you can contact the affiliates who send many visitors to your site to better understand why the conversions are not happening.
- Top Affiliates/Commissions → all affiliates based on commission values. They are displayed in a descending order in relation to the total amount of registered commissions.
In this way, you will be able to analyze affiliates that have high conversion rates. We recommend you to regularly analyze this report and to keep in touch with affiliates that are most involved in your program. Your mutual goal is to sell as much as possible.
- Affiliate Signups → the number of affiliates that applied to your affiliate program in a specific period of time.
How does my program look likes and what are the indicators my affiliates can see?
2Performant provides information to affiliates regarding advertisers, such as the program’s category, commission offered, cookie life, terms of service and contact details. Many advertisers have policies regarding the way affiliates must promote their products and/or services.
Thus, it is important for affiliates to know and adhere to these policies. Another important performance indicator displayed by our platform is the date since advertisers joined 2Performant. The longevity of an advertiser in 2Performant proves that the program is successful, generating sales and it’s paying their affiliates.
Therefore, they become more reliable. Once an affiliate has decided to work with you, applied to the program and was approved by you, in the platform’s campaigns directory, after clicking on your program, the affiliate will find detailed information about the campaign he/she has applied to, including the available promoting tools.
The performance indicators that are displayed on that page show the behavior of your affiliate program in 2Performant.
The most important indicators affiliates see are as follows:
- Default Commission → the standard commission value offered to affiliates per sale/lead.
- Default Cookie Life → the period of time when all actions made by a customer, directed by an affiliate on your site, are commissioned by that particular affiliate.
- Approval Time → automatic commission approval period. If a commission is not processed manually (rejected/approved), after a period of time that you have previously set, it will be automatically approved.
- Time to Payment → it’s a crucial indicator for affiliates when choosing affiliate programs. This indicator shows the average of time when the commissions are paid for the past months, more exactly how long does it take for an advertiser to pay the commissions? Therefore, the quicker you pay the commissions, the lower the indicator – making affiliates more motivated to apply to your program.
- Oldest Pending Commission → an indicator that shows the oldest unprocessed commission. This can be matched with Approval Time. The sooner you process the commission, the lower the indicator… and this is a good thing!
- Health → this indicator shows the financial health of your affiliate program. Green means that the account balance is fine and will be able to pay all generated commissions; yellow estimates that your balance will cover commissions made for the next 10 days; orange estimates that the balance will cover commissions for the next 7 days; red estimates that the program is risking suspension within the next 5 days; black means that the program is out of funds and suspended.
- Approval Rate by Number and Amount → these two indicators show the approval rate of a commission. The higher these indicators are, the better because this means that you approve your commissions in the shortest time possible.
- Ranking → this performance indicator shows the position of your affiliate program in the entire network, but also in the category it belongs to (Fashion, Travel, Telecom, etc.).