In a previous article, we discussed some of the recent improvements at the time in the platform that help both advertisers and affiliates focus on their goals. This one will also bring forward improvements both to the user experience, as well as some to the existing features. What’s more, last time we talked about a first step in improving the messaging system. This was something that many people have asked for, and now we’re going forward with a bigger change.

Affiliate Marketing

We updated a number of tooltips and guides, as well as links to them, in order to make them as relevant to you as possible. There is an ongoing process of improving the journey of advertisers and affiliates alike which involves direct feedback from you.

As per the previous improvements in campaigns and affiliate listings, both as design and search functionality, we have changed the search functionality to be consistent with partial keywords searching, as well as a quick-search functionality. The partial keywords searching now works in ‘My affiliates’ as well.

In terms of tracking traffic, we were able to identify and fix two bugs that would manifest for some of our users. The first one involved deep-links with parameters. All links like this with parameters for filtering or searching in the target page now work correctly. The second issue was caused by links that would open in the facebook browser, and on some operating systems would fail to redirect to the target. We addressed this issue as well.

Influencer Marketing

The influencer marketing section continues to grow in functionalities based on the users’ needs. Influencers and advertisers can now cancel their applications or invitations respectively. This helps both parties to better manage their collaborations.

What’s more, the influencers profile about section formatting has been improved. More updates coming soon :).

Messaging System

Maybe saving the best for last, we made an update to allow messages to be grouped in threads. It is much easier now for both advertisers, affiliates or influencers to understand the context of discussions. When dealing with a lot of messages it may be hard to keep track of the conversations. We are now closely monitoring this change with the intent of an interface redesign to maximize the utility of the messaging system.

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