We know it’s very difficult to decide on which new advertisers you want to promote, other than those you’re used to.
We have over 500 advertisers in 2Performant, with lots of options and you have limited possibilities; however you want to try new affiliate programs in order to increase your advertisers’ portfolio.
Besides, if you don’t try new advertisers you might miss great opportunities which you can maximize.
This is why we come to your aid with a few rankings that can help you in your promoting decisions.
Top EPC results
First of all, a top for advertisers based on earnings/100 clicks, will definitely be useful in finding new promoting opportunities. Therefore, here is a list with top advertisers according to EPC results.
Top 11 advertisers with selling actions depending on earnings/100 clicks for February 2017:
- Nanoxyn.ro
- DPAP.ro
- Ecco-Shoes.ro
- YellowStore.ro
- ScauneOnline.ro
- Vola.ro
- Zoot.ro
- InterLink.ro
- SomProduct.ro
- Cupio.ro
- Lensa.ro
Top 4 advertisers with lead generated actions according to earnings/100 clicks for February 2017:
Top advertisers based on conversion rate:
Conversion rate is another important aspect we’re sure you’re taking into consideration when evaluating your actions for a certain advertiser. Therefore, we made a top based on the conversion rate from our affiliate programs, that can help you choose new partners.
Top 11 advertisers with selling actions based on the conversion rate from February 2017:
- Elefant.ro
- Ecco-Shoes.ro
- Libris.ro
- DPAP.ro
- Cupio.ro
- ePiesa.ro
- Kalapod.ro
- Orange.ro
- Nanoxyn.ro
- Kalapod.bg
- Avon.ro
Top 4 advertisers with lead generated actions based on the conversion rate from February 2017:
Commissions Payment
Paying the commissions in a very short period of time, since their approval, is crucial for your budget, including investment in new affiliate programs.
Firstly, take a look over prepaid affiliate programs. Log in to your account at Affiliate Programs tab and filter them by Prepaid.
From those Prepaid Affiliate Programs, there are some advertisers we’re issuing weekly invoices to:
In addition, from all those affiliate programs, there are advertisers we’re issuing bills twice a month to:
For most postpaid advertisers however, we issue invoices with mainly affiliate’s commissions once a month.The advertisers that pay their invoices in a very short period of time, in no specific order, are:
- dEpurtat.ro
- Libris.ro
- 1001Cosmetice.ro
- Chicco.ro
- AllBeauty.ro
- Bilboo.ro
- SendoDays.ro
- SexShop.ro
- StoreFashion.ro
- Book-Express.ro
- NailShop.ro
- ProduseCosmetice.ro
- Erotic24.ro
- Atlantica.ro
- Outliners.ro
We hope that all these information we provided are useful and will help you decide in trying new affiliate programs from 2Performant.
LOG IN to the platform and learn details about the above affiliate programs directly from their description, but also from their displayed performance indicators. Learn more about how the indicators work from HERE.
We will regularly come back with more useful information.