We’re entering that time of the year when all sports competitions get intense. Why? Because summer is approaching, and everything seems to make more sense. Whether you’re in the stands in Frankfurt, watching the Romanian team at the European football championship, or at your home office, putting in an hour of DOTA or FIFA, serotonin is doing its job.

In Business League, it’s no different, and we’re already in the last week of Stage 1. It’s a season with many new features, but especially with many new players who are learning, growing, making sales, and discovering what we hope will reach many minds: competition makes us better and more efficient.

One of these two-way competitions that we’ve been watching for some time is the match-up between Modreanu.com and CashClub.ro. With sales hovering around 1700 each in this Round, both will remain at the Company level. Live to fight another day. But their ambitions are greater, even though growth often proves challenging. New tactics, careful monitoring, experimentation, and a champion’s mindset – any or all of these could mean moving to the next level.

The two contenders are accustomed to the top part of the leaderboard, so, likely, the time for a promotion to Corporations is near. Currently in 4th place, CashClub has the best Conversion Rate among the Companies ranking (15.3%), but Modreanu (#6) has the most clicks this Round (over 98,000). However, when all is said and done, what matters is the number of sales.

So, we’re expecting a few (final) days of sprints and elbowing. Targets to be met, history to be made! And then, Round 1, Stage 2. Performance waits for no one. More about their strategies in their dedicated #MatchUps episode:

Go, Modreanu!

Go, Cashclub!

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