For marketers who are younger in Business League years, Glew Solutions is the current leader in the Unicorns ranking. Which is correct. However, for the more seasoned affiliates or Business League players, Glew Solutions is the affiliate setting the sales tone. And the tone is high, a reference C note, which many follow and admire. Since the beginning, this has been the case with performers who change the game.

Behind Glew Solutions? The work, inspiration, and mindset of Ovidiu Golea. A guy who shatters stereotypes about athletes: Ovidiu played professional soccer at Pandurii Târgu-Jiu, only to then excel in affiliate marketing, in the competitions organized by 2Performant so far.

Thus, it was expected that the best in the Business League would also be a Mentor in the Business League.

Because starting Monday, April 1st, any ambitious affiliate, who is part of the top half of the Start Ups ranking, can apply for a Mentee role in Ovidiu’s team. It won’t be easy for Mentees, as Ovidiu carefully selects the projects and people he works with. But he is eager to share tips & tricks & strategy. So go for it!

Don’t forget that a Mentor can only accept 7 Mentees in his cohort, so apply as if you’ve set your sights on the best job. And more importantly: carefully read the rules, criteria, and benefits of our Mentorship program. You have the entire month of April to apply, but don’t delay – it’s possible that Mentors will choose their disciples on the last day of the month, but it’s just as possible they’ll do it in the first 24 hours.

Already a year ago, at the Business League Awards Gala, Ovidiu stated on stage that he was looking forward to having the opportunity to help those who are just starting out in affiliate marketing:

“I want to help you with insights, so you don’t lose money, first and foremost. Right now budgets are big and rising and Google is the place where you want to be.”

Ovidiu Golea

Well, starting April 1st, Business League provides the perfect framework for these insights to be shared.

Last year, Ovidiu Golea generated sales of over 1 million euros in the Business League. If you want to learn at least part of the strategy that led to such figures, apply to his Mentorship program and see how it’s done.

More about Ovidiu’s ambitions in this program, in his presentation video:

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