Top marketers have a lot in common with performance athletes, and we like to highlight these common traits. But the two categories of high achievers differ in one essential point: age. Great athletes start early; the body does not forgive. However, marketers can emerge anytime and from anywhere.

And that’s the beauty of Business League – no one asks for your CV, background, or report card. Are you good? It will show. Are you not good? It will show.

Well, one of the best, with extensive experience and a taste for big numbers, is Alex Foaie (CashClub). Alex graduated from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, for a while did what he studied, that is, project management, and then found his favorite sport: affiliate marketing.

He started with paid traffic (PPC, Facebook Ads), and then got excited about doing cashback. He felt the need for a project he could build from scratch. At one point, during a Black Friday, Alex even told us that discovering the cashback system in e-commerce, he thought he was somehow reinventing the wheel. It wasn’t quite like that. The enthusiasm didn’t disappear even after he found out that in the States and Europe, the practice of cashback had been common for some time. And here comes the first piece of advice from Alex, addressed to any Business League player, whether new to the competition or old but with unsatisfactory results:

“Experiment! There are many ways to achieve performance, everyone needs to find their own path.”

Alex Foaie

The Mentorship program in Business League is about finding this path, but through a healthy shortcut: access to Mentors (like Alex, Ovidiu Golea, Lucian Ionescu) who can contribute to a faster journey. In which you learn exactly what you need and avoid the mistakes made by the best online marketers in Romania and beyond. The strategy of these marketing professionals always targets Sales, but from now on, also plans for the future with ambitious Mentees ranked lower in Business League. You can read on our blog about how and what they want to do with their first cohort of Mentees. Spoiler: to make them much better than they are now.

Alex Foaie is a player who has been making sales for years and still likes this work. Sorry, this play. Because that’s another unique particularity of Business League: it’s both game and play. If you like something, you don’t get bored. If it also brings you profit, you’re already making the rules by which you play your life.

If Business League is about performance and adaptation, Mentorship is about being one step, two, ten ahead of the competition.

Apply to the program as a Mentee, but do it now, because no Mentor has more than 7 spots. And the enrollment period passes quickly. Rules are rules, see them here.

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