Match-ups: Round 2, Stage 2. The Unicorns Triad We Craved for and the Companies that Overdid Themselves
Codruț Baciu /The fiercest battles are always fought at the top—in technology, sports, and so forth. It’s always been this way. But the most important battles aren’t always the most interesting. The beauty of Business League is that it offers everything, being the generous competition that it is. We have match-ups where you know hard-earned promotions are at stake and match-ups that leave behind new and interesting characters. We can’t highlight them all, but if you’re a Business League player, you have access to them.
What are we seeing now, in this Round 2 of Stage 2? Firstly, a three-way show at the level of Unicorns. Ah, we’ve longed to watch something like this again., SHOPIA, and WPD are in the wake of GlewSolutions, but they are neck and neck, spoke to spoke, separated by less than 900 sales. We don’t have popcorn, but unhealthy chips with that spicy, home-made sauce, as such a multi-dimensional duel deserves.

Ah, and speaking of Unicorns, here’s a mystery question we hope you can help with: none have participated in a Fashion Challenge. Is that strange behavior for a Unicorn? No click to be chic. No Revenue Rally in the fashion valley. No Target Strike for a (stylish) sales spike. Why? Why, why, whyyyy?
I digressed a bit, but perhaps it was worth it. Back to the point: Corporations provide friendly shoves down the ranking, where DTA and Selltoro are not just fighting for sales and good traffic, but to avoid relegation. When you feel, round after round, the tense air in Corporations, you might not feel like returning among the Companies.
But the Companies give good matches. Perhaps the best, if we consider the ambitions and objectives. Here, players aim high from the bottom up, and the thirst for performance is greater and more consuming. For example, in places 17 and 18, we find AndreeaVle (274 sales to date) and SMPRocketTech (270). Two players separated by just four sales, but united in the ambition to climb the ranking ladder, up to the line that separates the Companies from the Corporations.
The Merchants are killing it, especially at the Companies level. So this time, we start with a match-up from the Companies, which last week had better sales (13,000+) than the Unicorns or Corporations. Very cool, boys & girls! We chose FashionDays and Sinsay, partly responsible for this increase. Two players representing the Fashion category, in a much-anticipated form comeback. They are currently in places 1 and 2, with a significant lead over third place, Cupio.
And speaking of Fashion, the Corporations have a duel that becomes more interesting with each passing week: Esteto vs. Answear. They still can’t keep up with the players schooled in Letters (Cărturești & Bookzone): But summer comes, in June it seems / And new outfits you can’t miss.

We won’t end this Match-ups update without a well-deserved shoutout for some contenders in the Start-Ups ranking. It’s the unlikely place where dreams and sleepless nights meet, so it deserves more attention. So: vs. That is, places #3 and #4. What’s interesting here sometimes is that from one hour to the next, place 10 can become place 1 and vice versa. The learning process and thus growth takes startups through much trial & error, which makes sales by the hundreds, not thousands. But once these people get going…
Match-ups are cool. See you next week!