As with humans, Business League needs to get better everyday too. So for now, we have updated how Challenges work, to make it more fun and interesting.

So what’s new?

The Challenges get tougher, the prizes get waaay bigger.

Forget about the ”100 sales” that was the norm in Challenges. Starting August 5th, when the new round begins, Marketers & Merchants in Business League (Start-Ups and above) have specific thresholds to reach if they want to nail those prizes. Here are the specifics below, for each level. 

  • Unicorns –from €50 to a record prize of €1,000 (📈1900% increase). Buuuuut with a 1000 sales threshold
  • Corporations – from €25 to a record prize of €500 (📈1900% increase). Buuuuut with a 500 sales threshold
  • Companies – from €10 to a record prize of €100 (📈900% increase). Buuuuut with a 100 sales threshold
  • Start-ups – from €5 to a record prize of  €100 (📈1900% increase). Buuuuut with a 20 sales threshold

Is it more intense? Yes.
Is it more lucrative? Absolutely.
Is it a good idea? You tell us 🙂

The attempt duration for all levels is set at 2 days, while the cooldown period lasts 1 day.

One last thing: since the usual ”100 sales” standard no longer applies all around, we’re obviously changing the name of the ”First to 100” Challenge to something more appropriate: SPEED RUN 😎

Other than the above, everything stays the same. 
Business League has always been about transparency and hitting sales milestones within this setup of transparency. All the while keeping things interesting and engaging. These updates are one more improvement on our list we managed to put in place. 

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