2Performant is a self-service affiliate platform where e-shops work easily with digital marketing natives at a cost per sale model.
One of the popular and easily accesible ways to do affiliate marketing are nowadays the PPC campaigns through Adwords. Even if they have PPC knowledge and experience, some affiliates has some trouble with the links, especially in the advanced tracking option area. Here are the exact steps you need to follow if you want to do affiliate marketing with Awords.
How do I create a text ad if I want to do affiliate marketing with Adwords?
First of all, you need an affiliate link generated in the affiliate program that you want to promote. For this you have to go to the TOOLS section:
Generate the affiliate link:
Once the link generated, you add it to the tracking template field from the Ad URL options (advanced) section:
Careful when copying the affiliate link. You want to add https: in front of it, in the Tracking Template field.
Even if you receive an error when you press the Test button (Final URL mismatch), you can save the ad and it will work correctly. You see that message due to the fact that there is a difference between the URL and the Final URL in the tracking template. But no need to worry. Your only concern should be to optimize your campaigns so you can see those comissions running.
Another extremely important thing to consider is that bidding in advertisers’ brands is not allowed. This is against the 2Performant Terms and Conditions and can lead to the affiliate account suspension. Also, you need to add as negative keywords all the terms that name their brands or any other derived terms.
Can I do affiliate marketing with Adwords for any advertiser?
Not all advertisers allow this type of promotion in their affiliate programs. However, there are many that accept Adwords. You can find them in the affiliate programs directory – Affiliate Programs. Here you can filter out the Promotional Methods using Google PPC.
Are you already are familiar with Google Adwords and are willing to start a campaign with a small budget? We suggest you go for a niche online store in order to keep your costs low. Here you can see other tips and tricks from the network’s top affiliates that do affiliate marketing with Adwords.
Login into your account and pick the right advertisers. Don’t forget to check the Promotions page in the platform to find out the best deals that could help you get started with a Google campaign.
You don’t have an account yet? Create one right HERE!
We tracked more than 3,000,000 sales and 280,000,000 clicks since 2009, for more than 550 clients and 55,000 affiliates. Come on board, we have cookies!
julia says:
Foarte interesant articolul, multumesc
Alex says:
Nu e deloc complicat.