Starting out as an affiliate manager can look scary at first, especially if you haven’t had much to do with affiliate marketing before. But this type of job is more about people and techology than marketing. Communicating with your affiliates is the most important activity in an affiliate management job and failing to do this will not save your affiliate program, no matter how good you are in online marketing, how big your conversion rate is or how awesome is the affiliate platform.

But let’s not freak out!

We have put together for you, dear affiliate manager, a cheat sheet to give you a hand in your affiliate management activity.

Below, you have a list of tasks, grouped by their frequency (one time, daily, weekly, monthly, etc).

Since we want to be by your side all the way, we also included a small list of tips&tricks or best practices for each group of tasks.

You can very well print it out and set it on your desk or on the wall in front of you. Just make sure you have it before your eyes.



Affiliate Management Cheat Sheet

A shorter version for this – only the tasks, is right below:


Affiliate Management Cheat Sheet Tasks Only

You can also download the PDF versions: task list + best practices, only the task list.

Have a blast running your affiliate program! 🙂

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